When searching for great international retirement areas for Americans, Las Terrenas in the Dominican Republic is at the top. Our days are numbered for nearing retirement and my husband, Greg, has less than 3 years to go with AT&T. With that, we find ourselves in the beginning stages of organizing our life for the next chapter. We love the beach life and the outdoors and extensive research of the area has us concentrating on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, in an area called Samana.

The cost of living is much less than in the US and the main requirement is to provide proof of retirement benefits of no less than $1500 a month. Healthcare is affordable, or free and although the facilities and care are reported to be lacking in some areas, Las Terrenas is an exception. A brand new hospital, Centro Galeno Integral, is highly rated and is equipped with a modern ICU.

Luxury homes with breathtaking views and infinity pools are less than $500,000 USD. Here, this 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath home is perched on a 1 acre lot in the hills of RÃo San Juan. With 4,300 square feet, splendid views and a pool, it’s only downfall (in my opinion) is that it is located 6km to the beach. My perfect property would be within walking distance or direct oceanfront, however the price goes up substantially for that type of feature.

Because this area is not generally focused on tourism, the locals are friendly and most appreciate the opportunities that expats can provide to their communities. For example, this locally owned small business thrives on locals (and the occasional tourist) by teaching them how to surf in the waters off the shores of the Las Terrenas area.

Oh, and most importantly, the weather is a sunny, 80 degrees year round. Gorgeous palm trees, lush green lawns and sparkling blue waters with white capped waves are an everyday sight here.

A trip to the area is obviously our next step and on December 21, 2020 we finally purchased airline tickets to fly into Santo Domingo. My sister-in-law, Pam, is making arrangements to take a well earned winter vacation to the Caribbean and plans to join us. Flights before December were around $500 a person and could take more than 8 hours with long layovers in New York, due to the current travel restrictions. So when I found a round trip, non-stop 3 hour flight for $350 per person, I grabbed three tickets! Our trip was in motion. As long as our country remains open with a new administration in office, we are headed to the DR on February 14, 2021 and staying until February 21, 2021. Follow my next post as we search for the perfect place to stay and select a real estate agent to show us some properties for sale. Just click subscribe and add your email address for instant updates! Jayme